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Please rate your overall satisfaction with your Arborjet Training Event. Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Application Methodology Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
Equipment Offering Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
Formulations Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
Relevant Pest Issues Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
Hands On Demo/Training Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
Growing Your Business Excellent Satisfactory Poor Not covered in training
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How likely are you to purchase Arborjet products? Very Likely Likely Maybe or Maybe Not Unlikely Very Unlikely
Would you recommend Arborjet's products? YesNo
What did you find most helpful about our Arborjet event?
What would you like to see incorporated into future Arborjet training events?
If recertification credits were offered at this event, how important were those credits in your decision to attend? Important Somewhat Important Not important
Select a Thank You Gift Diameter Tape Arborjet Hat QUIK-jet Rebuild Kit
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